Blog #7: "Falling" into New Practices

Change is just around the corner. A change in season that is, and with this new season comes another opportunity to look at our goals, re-assess, and continue our charge forward, sideways, upside down, diagonally, and whatever other angle we can try.

I LOVE the fall audition season. Mostly because the weather is much easier to travel in than winter, and the pace is generally less chaotic. It has been a treat going out to the various calls and sharing songs I treasure with casting directors and creative teams. Dance classes have also lightened up in number with all the summer camps, clubs, workshops, and tours coming to a close with the school year starting. It is easier not only to get into class, but work more with the instructors and generally there is more room to dance. 

The coming of fall inspired me to jump into some new action as well. I've been happily uncomfortable exploring outside of my comfort zone, learning how to teach engaging Pilates classes, going to a wider variety of dance classes, and letting go of "stuff" that isn't serving me any longer. This "stuff" ranges from old books, clothes, and music to the perception of my life, definition of success, and what I think will truly make me happy. Truth is, is that I'm happy right now, and happy to constantly be discovering new things about, well, myself. My dreams haven't changed, but how I perceive and cherish them has definitely grown. I don't see my dream as a daunting mountain to climb, but rather, as something I can love and cultivate. These changes have introduced me to some pretty amazing new friends, and I cannot wait to see where this journey takes us.

Abby Hase